Using the PowerShell ForEach Loop

In this blog post, we’ll explore using the PowerShell ForEach loop and how it can be used to process and manipulate data efficiently.

Understanding the For-Each Loop

The ForEach loop in PowerShell allows us to iterate over collections of objects, such as arrays, lists, or any other data structure that holds multiple elements. It provides a way to perform a specific set of actions for each item in the collection, making it a fundamental tool for tasks like data processing, automation, and reporting.

Here’s the basic structure of a ForEach loop in PowerShell:

foreach ($item in $collection) {
	#do something with $item

Examples Using PowerShell and ForEach

Let’s assume we have a basket of fruit, and we store each piece of fruit in an array of strings.  We can then iterate through each fruit like so:

$fruits = @("apple", "banana", "cherry", "peach")

foreach ($fruit in $fruits) {
	write-host $fruit

In the real-world we might want to loop through files in a directory.  In this example we can retrieve all files in a directory using Get-ChildItem, and then use a ForEach loop to iterate through the list and write the file path to the console:

$files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Alkane\Files

foreach ($file in $files) { 
    write-host $file.FullName

Mastering the ForEach loop in PowerShell is a crucial skill for anyone looking to automate tasks, process data, or manage resources efficiently.

Using the PowerShell For Loop and ForEach-Object Cmdlet

In this blog post, we’ll explore using the PowerShell For loop and ForEach-Object cmdlet effectively in our scripts.

The PowerShell For Loop

The For loop is a traditional loop that allows us to execute a block of code a specified number of times. It consists of three parts: the initialisation, the condition, and the iterator. Here’s the basic syntax of a For loop in PowerShell:

for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) {
    # Code to execute


  • $i is the loop variable that is typically used to track the iteration.
  • $i -le 5 is the condition that determines when the loop should continue.
  • $i++ is the iterator that increments the loop variable.

Here’s an example of using a For loop to print numbers from 1 to 5:

for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) {
    Write-Host "Number: $i"

When we run this script, it will display the numbers 1 through 5.

The ForEach-Object Cmdlet

The ForEach-Object cmdlet is used to iterate through items in a collection, such as an array or a list. It processes each item one at a time. The basic syntax of a ForEach-Object loop in PowerShell is as follows:

$collection | ForEach-Object {
    # Code to execute for each item

Here’s an example of using a ForEach-Object loop to process items in an array:

$fruits = "apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"

$fruits | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host "Processing $_"

In this example, the loop processes each item in the $fruits array and displays a message for each one.

Comparing For and ForEach-Object

Both the For loop and the ForEach-Object cmdlet have their use cases:

  • Use a For loop when we need to execute code a specific number of times, such as iterating over a range of numbers or repeating an operation.
  • Use a ForEach-Object cmdlet when we want to process items in a collection, such as arrays or lists.

By understanding the differences between these loops, we can choose the right one for our specific scripting needs and make our PowerShell scripts more efficient and powerful.