- App-V Application Packaging
- Create an App-V Streaming Server now the App-V 5 Server Components are Deprecated (09/12/2024)
- Fixing a Corrupt App-V Client (Updated) (16/05/2022)
- Run as Administrator on Windows 10 with App-V 5 (01/06/2020)
- App-V 5 and Excel VSTO Add-ins (15/04/2020)
- App-V 5 with Excel Automation Addins and RunVirtual (10/01/2020)
- Fonts Not Rendering in App-V 5 (21/11/2019)
- App-V 5 Scripting Context Test (08/11/2019)
- Using Junctions with App-V 5 to resolve Path Length Limitations (17/10/2019)
- Restricting Operating Systems in App-V 5 (10/10/2019)
- Synchronise the App-V 5 Client with the Publishing Server (16/07/2019)
- App-V 5 and Terminate Child Process (01/05/2019)
- App-V 5 Package Conversion from App-V 4 to App-V 5 (24/04/2019)
- Start an App-V 5 Process Immediately After Publishing (20/07/2016)
- Using Taskkill.exe to Kill Multiple Processes on One Line (24/06/2016)
- Using RunVirtual to Present Excel Addins (25/05/2016)
- Configuring RunVirtual Registry from the AppxManifest.xml (20/05/2016)
- Scripting Examples for App-V 5 (Updated) (17/05/2016)
- AppxManifest.xml in place of DeploymentConfig.xml and UserConfig.xml (09/05/2016)
- Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands (07/01/2014)
- Using Shims with App-V 5 (06/01/2014)
- Running the x64 Powershell from x86 SCCM ConfigMgr (18/12/2013)
- Publishing App-V 5 packages with SCCM 2007 (17/12/2013)
- App-V 4.x
- App-V 5 Package Conversion from App-V 4 to App-V 5 (24/04/2019)
- App-V 5.x
- Create an App-V Streaming Server now the App-V 5 Server Components are Deprecated (09/12/2024)
- Fixing a Corrupt App-V Client (Updated) (16/05/2022)
- Run as Administrator on Windows 10 with App-V 5 (01/06/2020)
- App-V 5 and Excel VSTO Add-ins (15/04/2020)
- App-V 5 with Excel Automation Addins and RunVirtual (10/01/2020)
- Fonts Not Rendering in App-V 5 (21/11/2019)
- App-V 5 Scripting Context Test (08/11/2019)
- Using Junctions with App-V 5 to resolve Path Length Limitations (17/10/2019)
- Restricting Operating Systems in App-V 5 (10/10/2019)
- Synchronise the App-V 5 Client with the Publishing Server (16/07/2019)
- App-V 5 and Terminate Child Process (01/05/2019)
- App-V 5 Package Conversion from App-V 4 to App-V 5 (24/04/2019)
- Start an App-V 5 Process Immediately After Publishing (20/07/2016)
- Using Taskkill.exe to Kill Multiple Processes on One Line (24/06/2016)
- Using RunVirtual to Present Excel Addins (25/05/2016)
- Configuring RunVirtual Registry from the AppxManifest.xml (20/05/2016)
- Scripting Examples for App-V 5 (Updated) (17/05/2016)
- AppxManifest.xml in place of DeploymentConfig.xml and UserConfig.xml (09/05/2016)
- Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands (07/01/2014)
- Using Shims with App-V 5 (06/01/2014)
- Running the x64 Powershell from x86 SCCM ConfigMgr (18/12/2013)
- Publishing App-V 5 packages with SCCM 2007 (17/12/2013)
- Application Packaging Services
- Application Packaging Services on G-Cloud (11/02/2025)
- Evergreen Application Packaging Services (03/04/2024)
- Intune Application Packaging Services (03/04/2024)
- MSIX Application Packaging Services (29/05/2020)
- A Windows 7 to Windows 10 Application Migration Plan (28/05/2020)
- Why Application Packaging? (10/01/2020)
- Application Packaging Service for the NHS (20/12/2019)
- Windows 10 Migration Specialists (20/12/2019)
- Application Packaging as a Service (20/12/2019)
- Application Tips
- Microsoft Teams Machine-Wide Installer and Breakout Rooms (07/02/2022)
- Purge the Microsoft Teams Profile (07/02/2022)
- Microsoft Word Automation Error Library Not Registered (18/10/2021)
- Launch Microsoft Teams Minimised in the System Tray (16/01/2021)
- Override Group Policy When Debugging Applications (07/06/2020)
- INF File Driver Package (16/01/2020)
- Securing the Java Runtime Environment (06/03/2019)
- Java Deployment Rule Set and Self Signed Certificates (05/03/2019)
- Creating and signing a Java Deployment Rule Set (01/02/2019)
- Error 16389 for .Net Framework 4.6.2 as an SCCM Application (19/04/2018)
- Suppress Opt-In and First Run dialogs when launching Office 2013 (16/08/2016)
- Configuring Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (15/06/2016)
- Azure
- Case Studies
- Windows 10 Migration Experts (20/03/2021)
- Microsoft Subject Matter Experts (19/03/2021)
- General Scripting and Coding
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer Line has Trailing Whitespace (28/11/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Search Group Policy for a Specific Setting (22/05/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Debug Slow GPO Processing (07/05/2024)
- PowerShell Get-ItemPropertyValue Error Is Not Suppressed (18/04/2024)
- Free MSIX Packaging Tool for the Package Support Framework (26/03/2024)
- PowerShell Active Directory People Picker (21/03/2024)
- PowerShell Active Directory Group Picker (19/03/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Monitor CPU and Memory Usage (19/03/2024)
- PowerShell Add-Content Error The Process Cannot Access The File (19/03/2024)
- Setting a Timeout in PowerShell Scripts to Prevent Hanging (22/12/2023)
- Call a PowerShell Function in Another PowerShell Script (09/12/2023)
- Using PowerShell Bitwise Comparison Operators to Check and Set Bit Flags (10/11/2023)
- Send Bulk Emails with PowerShell using Only BCC (09/11/2023)
- Handling Command-Line Arguments in PowerShell (07/11/2023)
- How to Comment Out Code in PowerShell (07/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell Do While Loop and Do Until Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell For Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Safely Run Downloaded Scripts from the Internet (05/11/2023)
- PowerShell Warning Running Scripts on this System is Disabled (05/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell ForEach Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell and Invoke-WebRequest to Send a HTTP Request (03/11/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Run an Application as the Current Logged In User (03/11/2023)
- Create a Scheduled Task using PowerShell or Schtasks (03/11/2023)
- Cannot convert argument query with value Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery (03/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell with IndexOf and LastIndexOf to Split Strings (31/10/2023)
- Converting VBScript to PowerShell using our VBScript to PowerShell Conversion Service (17/10/2023)
- Different Ways to Run a PowerShell Script (14/10/2023)
- Check if a File Exists using PowerShell (13/10/2023)
- Using the PowerShell While Loop (13/10/2023)
- Using PowerShell Try and Catch for Handling Errors (13/10/2023)
- Using the PowerShell For Loop and ForEach-Object Cmdlet (13/10/2023)
- Use PowerShell Start-Sleep to Pause Script Execution (13/10/2023)
- Use Where-Object in PowerShell Scripts (13/10/2023)
- Use the PowerShell If Statement and PowerShell Switch Statement (13/10/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Output Text to a File (13/10/2023)
- Launch a Process using PowerShell and Start-Process (07/09/2023)
- Use PowerShell Copy-Item to Copy a File or Folder Including Mirror Copy (06/09/2023)
- PowerShell Grep and Findstr Equivalent Using the Select-String Cmdlet (05/09/2023)
- Use the PowerShell Substring Method to Extract and Match Part of a String (05/09/2023)
- List All User and Computer LDAP Attributes using PowerShell and ADSI (01/09/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Retrieve All Windows Updates and Patches (31/08/2023)
- How to Determine and Check the PowerShell Version (31/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Display an Advanced Toast Notification (29/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Display a Basic Toast Notification (29/08/2023)
- Text-to-Speech using PowerShell and the Speech Synthesizer (29/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Extract Azure Active Directory Device Status from Dsregcmd (15/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Set Windows 10 Desktop Wallpaper Based On Screen Resolution (01/08/2023)
- Using PowerShell Select-String to Match Regular Expressions (07/06/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Read and Write JSON (Updated) (04/05/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Read and Write XML (04/05/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Block IP Addresses (Fail2ban) (29/04/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Find the User Profile Last Use Time (04/04/2023)
- Generate a PDF using PowerShell and Microsoft Edge (28/03/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Read Remote Registry (28/03/2023)
- Find Group Policy Objects (GPO) Modified in the Last X Days (23/03/2023)
- Ultimate PowerShell GUI Message Box Popup (Updated) (23/03/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Import Data From Microsoft Excel (19/10/2022)
- PowerShell ISE Crashes When Loading (04/10/2022)
- Create a Registry Value and Path in One Line Using PowerShell (29/09/2022)
- Access Denied When Calling Remove-Item (29/09/2022)
- Enable Implicit Uninstalls in SCCM Using PowerShell (20/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Calculate Bit Flags (20/09/2022)
- Concatenate Strings and Variables in PowerShell (16/09/2022)
- How Do You Comment Out Code in PowerShell? (16/09/2022)
- How To Determine the Installed PowerShell Version (16/09/2022)
- Passing Multiple Arguments to a PowerShell Function (13/09/2022)
- Find the Product Name, Product Code and More for an Installed MSI (13/09/2022)
- PowerShell Variables and Object Properties in a Double-Quoted String (13/09/2022)
- Use Test-Path with PowerShell (13/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell Comparison Operators to Compare Strings and Numbers (09/09/2022)
- Get Help with PowerShell Cmdlets, Parameters, Methods and Properties (09/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Read and Write Environment Variables (09/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Read from a Text File (09/09/2022)
- Using PowerShell to Replace Strings (09/09/2022)
- Compare Version Numbers with PowerShell (26/08/2022)
- Uninstall Windows Updates Based On Date (07/06/2022)
- Restore Deleted Computer Objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin (26/05/2022)
- Find the Current Logged On Username From a System Context (03/03/2022)
- Run PowerShell Scripts Silently (10/12/2021)
- Installing Fonts with PowerShell (06/12/2021)
- Enable Windows Remote Management (WinRM) on Remote Devices (04/08/2021)
- Avoid Error 0x800f0906 by Bypassing the Windows Updates Server (30/07/2021)
- How to use Test-Path for HKEY_USERS (15/06/2021)
- LDAP Does Not Return All Active Directory Group Members (01/06/2021)
- Search Active Directory using PowerShell ADSISearcher Filters (03/03/2021)
- Export Data to a CSV and Maintain the Column Order (03/03/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Groups in Active Directory (02/03/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Computers in Active Directory (27/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Users in Active Directory (27/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell and ADSI to Add, Update, Clear and Append Active Directory Attributes (27/02/2021)
- List AD Sites and Subnets using PowerShell (26/02/2021)
- Use ADSI and FromFileTime to Convert Datetime Attributes in Active Directory (26/02/2021)
- Use ADSI to List Nested Members of an AD Group (Updated) (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Modify an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Create an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Delete an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- The Difference Between PowerShell ADSI and ADSISearcher (25/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Migrate AD Group Members (24/02/2021)
- PowerShell Combobox using a Custom DrawMode (21/02/2021)
- Custom Tooltips in PowerShell Forms using OwnerDraw (20/02/2021)
- Trigger SCCM Client Actions Remotely using PowerShell (19/02/2021)
- Configure VMWare Horizon Client Connections (19/02/2021)
- Find the Operating System using PowerShell (15/02/2021)
- Simple PowerShell Logging Function (15/02/2021)
- Running Powershell Login Scripts with Group Policy (16/01/2021)
- Use ADSI to Find Logon Workstations in Active Directory (22/11/2020)
- ADSI Searcher and the ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module (22/11/2020)
- Insert a VBScript Custom Action into a Windows Installer (25/06/2020)
- Use PowerShell to Find an Advertised Shortcut Target (03/06/2020)
- Send an Email Using PowerShell (31/01/2020)
- Group Data using PowerShell (30/01/2020)
- PowerShell Cannot Locate UNC Paths (21/01/2020)
- Installing and Uninstalling an MSI using PowerShell (11/12/2019)
- Find Newly Launched Processes (31/10/2019)
- Obtaining the Current Working Directory using PowerShell (10/10/2019)
- List Certificates for Local Machine and Current User (18/07/2019)
- Wait For a Service To Stop in a Batch File (29/05/2019)
- Register or Unregister DLLs in a Folder (22/05/2019)
- Check If a Windows Update Exists (16/05/2019)
- Find the Membership Count of all AD Groups in an OU (22/03/2019)
- Charting with PowerShell (13/03/2019)
- Using PowerShell and Selenium for Browser Automation (06/12/2018)
- Invoke-Sqlcmd Returns Columns RowError and HasErrors (21/11/2018)
- Using Select-Object with PowerShell (01/11/2018)
- Wait For a Process in a Batch File (31/10/2018)
- Move or Copy Active Directory Users (05/09/2018)
- Add and Remove Service Entries (10/08/2018)
- Install and Uninstall an MSI using PowerShell (18/07/2018)
- Add and Remove Host Entries (14/02/2018)
- Search for a File Inside a Merge Module (12/01/2018)
- Clean Up the Windows Start Menu (12/01/2018)
- Using a Hashtable to store Key/Value Pairs (14/11/2017)
- Use ADSI to Check if a Computer is a Member of an AD Group (29/06/2017)
- Check if System.Object[] contains a value (Updated) (16/05/2017)
- Export to CSV using PowerShell and Dynamic Data (04/05/2017)
- Debug SOAP and REST in IIS Express using Fiddler (05/04/2017)
- Get Filenames and Versions in Folders and Subfolders (05/04/2017)
- Write to the Windows Installer Binary Stream using Powershell (10/02/2017)
- Count members of an AD Group and write to a CSV (06/02/2017)
- jQuery Plugin to Convert Numbers to Words (UK English) (17/01/2017)
- Query a Windows Installer (MSI) using Powershell (13/12/2016)
- A Powershell Array of Hashtables instead of a Multidimensional Array (22/11/2016)
- Using PowerShell to Databind a Combobox with a Value and some Text (22/11/2016)
- Get and Set Microsoft Word Custom Document Properties (11/11/2016)
- Set Registry Key Permissions with Powershell (29/06/2016)
- Use ADSI to Check if a User is a Member of an AD Group (13/05/2016)
- Create Lnk Shortcut using VBScript (03/11/2015)
- ASP.Net Upload Handler using SSH.Net and Plupload (01/07/2015)
- Rijndael Encryption and Decryption in C# and Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Getting the Public Key Token of an Assembly using Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Integrating Lync Status into an ASP.Net Gridview (07/01/2015)
- Wait for a Process to Complete (11/11/2014)
- Create a custom debug log file in an ASP.Net Class (07/11/2014)
- Getting and Setting Session State in HttpHandlers (ASHX files) (07/11/2014)
- Generate a Windows Installer transform file (MST) using PowerShell (30/10/2014)
- Strip out style attributes in HTML (16/07/2014)
- Re-bind the GridView on the Parent Page after FancyBox close (21/05/2014)
- Detect if an ASP.Net form is Valid from Javascript (21/05/2014)
- Detect for ASP.Net page postback from Javascript (21/05/2014)
- Prevent Submitting an ASP.Net form Twice (21/05/2014)
- Unblock the ASP.Net Form Submit after PostBack (21/05/2014)
- Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands (07/01/2014)
- Running the x64 Powershell from x86 SCCM ConfigMgr (18/12/2013)
- Publishing App-V 5 packages with SCCM 2007 (17/12/2013)
- Using PowerShell and FTP to Create a Directory (01/08/2013)
- Cascading Dropdown List using VBScript, XPATH and an XML back-end (01/08/2013)
- Using VBScript, CAML queries and SOAP to Read from a Sharepoint List (01/08/2013)
- Using Powershell, CAML queries and SOAP to Read from a Sharepoint List (01/08/2013)
- Using Base 64 Encoding for Images in PowerShell (19/04/2013)
- ASP.Net
- Debug SOAP and REST in IIS Express using Fiddler (05/04/2017)
- ASP.Net Upload Handler using SSH.Net and Plupload (01/07/2015)
- Rijndael Encryption and Decryption in C# and Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Getting the Public Key Token of an Assembly using Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Integrating Lync Status into an ASP.Net Gridview (07/01/2015)
- Create a custom debug log file in an ASP.Net Class (07/11/2014)
- Getting and Setting Session State in HttpHandlers (ASHX files) (07/11/2014)
- Strip out style attributes in HTML (16/07/2014)
- Re-bind the GridView on the Parent Page after FancyBox close (21/05/2014)
- Detect if an ASP.Net form is Valid from Javascript (21/05/2014)
- Detect for ASP.Net page postback from Javascript (21/05/2014)
- Prevent Submitting an ASP.Net form Twice (21/05/2014)
- Unblock the ASP.Net Form Submit after PostBack (21/05/2014)
- Batch Scripts
- Avoid Error 0x800f0906 by Bypassing the Windows Updates Server (30/07/2021)
- Wait For a Service To Stop in a Batch File (29/05/2019)
- Register or Unregister DLLs in a Folder (22/05/2019)
- Check If a Windows Update Exists (16/05/2019)
- Wait For a Process in a Batch File (31/10/2018)
- JavaScript and jQuery
- PowerShell
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer Line has Trailing Whitespace (28/11/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Search Group Policy for a Specific Setting (22/05/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Debug Slow GPO Processing (07/05/2024)
- PowerShell Get-ItemPropertyValue Error Is Not Suppressed (18/04/2024)
- Free MSIX Packaging Tool for the Package Support Framework (26/03/2024)
- PowerShell Active Directory People Picker (21/03/2024)
- PowerShell Active Directory Group Picker (19/03/2024)
- Use PowerShell to Monitor CPU and Memory Usage (19/03/2024)
- PowerShell Add-Content Error The Process Cannot Access The File (19/03/2024)
- Setting a Timeout in PowerShell Scripts to Prevent Hanging (22/12/2023)
- Call a PowerShell Function in Another PowerShell Script (09/12/2023)
- Using PowerShell Bitwise Comparison Operators to Check and Set Bit Flags (10/11/2023)
- Send Bulk Emails with PowerShell using Only BCC (09/11/2023)
- Handling Command-Line Arguments in PowerShell (07/11/2023)
- How to Comment Out Code in PowerShell (07/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell Do While Loop and Do Until Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell For Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Safely Run Downloaded Scripts from the Internet (05/11/2023)
- PowerShell Warning Running Scripts on this System is Disabled (05/11/2023)
- Using the PowerShell ForEach Loop (05/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell and Invoke-WebRequest to Send a HTTP Request (03/11/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Run an Application as the Current Logged In User (03/11/2023)
- Create a Scheduled Task using PowerShell or Schtasks (03/11/2023)
- Cannot convert argument query with value Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery (03/11/2023)
- Using PowerShell with IndexOf and LastIndexOf to Split Strings (31/10/2023)
- Converting VBScript to PowerShell using our VBScript to PowerShell Conversion Service (17/10/2023)
- Different Ways to Run a PowerShell Script (14/10/2023)
- Check if a File Exists using PowerShell (13/10/2023)
- Using the PowerShell While Loop (13/10/2023)
- Using PowerShell Try and Catch for Handling Errors (13/10/2023)
- Using the PowerShell For Loop and ForEach-Object Cmdlet (13/10/2023)
- Use PowerShell Start-Sleep to Pause Script Execution (13/10/2023)
- Use Where-Object in PowerShell Scripts (13/10/2023)
- Use the PowerShell If Statement and PowerShell Switch Statement (13/10/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Output Text to a File (13/10/2023)
- Launch a Process using PowerShell and Start-Process (07/09/2023)
- Use PowerShell Copy-Item to Copy a File or Folder Including Mirror Copy (06/09/2023)
- PowerShell Grep and Findstr Equivalent Using the Select-String Cmdlet (05/09/2023)
- Use the PowerShell Substring Method to Extract and Match Part of a String (05/09/2023)
- List All User and Computer LDAP Attributes using PowerShell and ADSI (01/09/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Retrieve All Windows Updates and Patches (31/08/2023)
- How to Determine and Check the PowerShell Version (31/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Display an Advanced Toast Notification (29/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Display a Basic Toast Notification (29/08/2023)
- Text-to-Speech using PowerShell and the Speech Synthesizer (29/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Extract Azure Active Directory Device Status from Dsregcmd (15/08/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Set Windows 10 Desktop Wallpaper Based On Screen Resolution (01/08/2023)
- Using PowerShell Select-String to Match Regular Expressions (07/06/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Read and Write JSON (Updated) (04/05/2023)
- Using PowerShell to Read and Write XML (04/05/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Block IP Addresses (Fail2ban) (29/04/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Find the User Profile Last Use Time (04/04/2023)
- Generate a PDF using PowerShell and Microsoft Edge (28/03/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Read Remote Registry (28/03/2023)
- Find Group Policy Objects (GPO) Modified in the Last X Days (23/03/2023)
- Ultimate PowerShell GUI Message Box Popup (Updated) (23/03/2023)
- Use PowerShell to Import Data From Microsoft Excel (19/10/2022)
- PowerShell ISE Crashes When Loading (04/10/2022)
- Create a Registry Value and Path in One Line Using PowerShell (29/09/2022)
- Access Denied When Calling Remove-Item (29/09/2022)
- Enable Implicit Uninstalls in SCCM Using PowerShell (20/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Calculate Bit Flags (20/09/2022)
- Concatenate Strings and Variables in PowerShell (16/09/2022)
- How Do You Comment Out Code in PowerShell? (16/09/2022)
- How To Determine the Installed PowerShell Version (16/09/2022)
- Passing Multiple Arguments to a PowerShell Function (13/09/2022)
- Find the Product Name, Product Code and More for an Installed MSI (13/09/2022)
- PowerShell Variables and Object Properties in a Double-Quoted String (13/09/2022)
- Use Test-Path with PowerShell (13/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell Comparison Operators to Compare Strings and Numbers (09/09/2022)
- Get Help with PowerShell Cmdlets, Parameters, Methods and Properties (09/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Read and Write Environment Variables (09/09/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Read from a Text File (09/09/2022)
- Using PowerShell to Replace Strings (09/09/2022)
- Compare Version Numbers with PowerShell (26/08/2022)
- Uninstall Windows Updates Based On Date (07/06/2022)
- Restore Deleted Computer Objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin (26/05/2022)
- Find the Current Logged On Username From a System Context (03/03/2022)
- Run PowerShell Scripts Silently (10/12/2021)
- Installing Fonts with PowerShell (06/12/2021)
- Enable Windows Remote Management (WinRM) on Remote Devices (04/08/2021)
- How to use Test-Path for HKEY_USERS (15/06/2021)
- LDAP Does Not Return All Active Directory Group Members (01/06/2021)
- Search Active Directory using PowerShell ADSISearcher Filters (03/03/2021)
- Export Data to a CSV and Maintain the Column Order (03/03/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Groups in Active Directory (02/03/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Computers in Active Directory (27/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Search Users in Active Directory (27/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell and ADSI to Add, Update, Clear and Append Active Directory Attributes (27/02/2021)
- List AD Sites and Subnets using PowerShell (26/02/2021)
- Use ADSI and FromFileTime to Convert Datetime Attributes in Active Directory (26/02/2021)
- Use ADSI to List Nested Members of an AD Group (Updated) (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Modify an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Create an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Delete an AD Group (26/02/2021)
- The Difference Between PowerShell ADSI and ADSISearcher (25/02/2021)
- Use PowerShell ADSI to Migrate AD Group Members (24/02/2021)
- PowerShell Combobox using a Custom DrawMode (21/02/2021)
- Custom Tooltips in PowerShell Forms using OwnerDraw (20/02/2021)
- Trigger SCCM Client Actions Remotely using PowerShell (19/02/2021)
- Configure VMWare Horizon Client Connections (19/02/2021)
- Find the Operating System using PowerShell (15/02/2021)
- Simple PowerShell Logging Function (15/02/2021)
- Running Powershell Login Scripts with Group Policy (16/01/2021)
- Use ADSI to Find Logon Workstations in Active Directory (22/11/2020)
- ADSI Searcher and the ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module (22/11/2020)
- Insert a VBScript Custom Action into a Windows Installer (25/06/2020)
- Use PowerShell to Find an Advertised Shortcut Target (03/06/2020)
- Send an Email Using PowerShell (31/01/2020)
- Group Data using PowerShell (30/01/2020)
- PowerShell Cannot Locate UNC Paths (21/01/2020)
- Installing and Uninstalling an MSI using PowerShell (11/12/2019)
- Find Newly Launched Processes (31/10/2019)
- Obtaining the Current Working Directory using PowerShell (10/10/2019)
- List Certificates for Local Machine and Current User (18/07/2019)
- Find the Membership Count of all AD Groups in an OU (22/03/2019)
- Charting with PowerShell (13/03/2019)
- Using PowerShell and Selenium for Browser Automation (06/12/2018)
- Invoke-Sqlcmd Returns Columns RowError and HasErrors (21/11/2018)
- Using Select-Object with PowerShell (01/11/2018)
- Move or Copy Active Directory Users (05/09/2018)
- Install and Uninstall an MSI using PowerShell (18/07/2018)
- Using a Hashtable to store Key/Value Pairs (14/11/2017)
- Use ADSI to Check if a Computer is a Member of an AD Group (29/06/2017)
- Check if System.Object[] contains a value (Updated) (16/05/2017)
- Export to CSV using PowerShell and Dynamic Data (04/05/2017)
- Get Filenames and Versions in Folders and Subfolders (05/04/2017)
- Write to the Windows Installer Binary Stream using Powershell (10/02/2017)
- Count members of an AD Group and write to a CSV (06/02/2017)
- Query a Windows Installer (MSI) using Powershell (13/12/2016)
- A Powershell Array of Hashtables instead of a Multidimensional Array (22/11/2016)
- Using PowerShell to Databind a Combobox with a Value and some Text (22/11/2016)
- Get and Set Microsoft Word Custom Document Properties (11/11/2016)
- Set Registry Key Permissions with Powershell (29/06/2016)
- Use ADSI to Check if a User is a Member of an AD Group (13/05/2016)
- Rijndael Encryption and Decryption in C# and Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Getting the Public Key Token of an Assembly using Powershell (20/05/2015)
- Generate a Windows Installer transform file (MST) using PowerShell (30/10/2014)
- Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands (07/01/2014)
- Running the x64 Powershell from x86 SCCM ConfigMgr (18/12/2013)
- Publishing App-V 5 packages with SCCM 2007 (17/12/2013)
- Using PowerShell and FTP to Create a Directory (01/08/2013)
- Using Powershell, CAML queries and SOAP to Read from a Sharepoint List (01/08/2013)
- Using Base 64 Encoding for Images in PowerShell (19/04/2013)
- VBScript
- Add and Remove Service Entries (10/08/2018)
- Add and Remove Host Entries (14/02/2018)
- Search for a File Inside a Merge Module (12/01/2018)
- Clean Up the Windows Start Menu (12/01/2018)
- Create Lnk Shortcut using VBScript (03/11/2015)
- Wait for a Process to Complete (11/11/2014)
- Cascading Dropdown List using VBScript, XPATH and an XML back-end (01/08/2013)
- Using VBScript, CAML queries and SOAP to Read from a Sharepoint List (01/08/2013)
- Microsoft Office
- How To Add Leading Zeros to Zero Pad Excel Values (19/10/2022)
- How To Use Double Quotes in an Excel Formula (19/10/2022)
- Use PowerShell to Import Data From Microsoft Excel (19/10/2022)
- Inner Joins with Microsoft Excel (05/04/2022)
- Using Excel to Check if a Value Exists in Another Column (22/01/2021)
- Removing Duplicate Rows in Excel (16/01/2021)
- Using Excel to Find Duplicates in a Column (16/01/2021)
- Miscellaneous
- Create a Self-Signed Development Certificate Trusted by Microsoft Edge (09/12/2024)
- Escaping Quotes and Backslashes in JSON (28/11/2024)
- Convert MS Word to PDF for Amazon KDP IngramSpark Lulu and Draft2Digital for Free (22/11/2024)
- Publish-PSArtifactUtility Failed to Publish Module (09/11/2024)
- Run an Executable after Windows Logon (31/08/2023)
- Microsoft Edge Prompt This Site Is Trying To Open (14/07/2022)
- Twitter API Giving HTTP 404 Not Found When Requesting a Token (07/06/2022)
- Use Visual Studio to Publish an Unreferenced Assembly to the Bin Folder (12/03/2022)
- App-V Applications and the CVE-2021-44228 Apache Log4j Exploit (15/12/2021)
- Redirected Homeshare folders displaying as Documents (26/11/2021)
- Avoid Error 0x800f0906 by Bypassing the Windows Updates Server (30/07/2021)
- IR35 and Off-payroll Working (06/03/2021)
- Windows Run Commands and Shortcuts (20/01/2021)
- The Specified Password is Invalid for the Application Pool Identity (09/10/2019)
- You Cannot Call a Method on a Null-Valued Expression (18/04/2019)
- Java Network Settings and the Browser Proxy (14/02/2019)
- Code Signing Certificates with Expiry Dates and Timestamping (04/02/2019)
- AppSense Regular Expression for Microsoft Office (06/12/2018)
- Create a Code Signing Certificate (15/11/2018)
- Browsium Ion and Browser Authentication (30/10/2018)
- Browsium Ion with HTTPS and Proxy Authentication (13/09/2018)
- Disable 'Managed Mode' in Mcafee (29/09/2015)
- Add a Right-click Context Sub Menu (26/06/2013)
- MSI Application Packaging
- Use PowerShell to get the Current Username and Sid from an Elevated Session (Updated) (05/04/2023)
- Configuring Excel Automation Add-ins with VBScript (22/10/2019)
- Repackaging a PDF Printer Driver (28/06/2019)
- InstallShield Could Not Find File (06/02/2018)
- Clean Up the Windows Start Menu (12/01/2018)
- A Guide to Signing Un-signed Drivers (Part 3) (27/07/2017)
- A Guide to Signing Un-signed Drivers (Part 2) (29/04/2016)
- Create a Symbolic Link from a Custom Action (25/08/2015)
- Create a URL Shortcut using the IniFile table (13/08/2015)
- Access a Windows Installer property in a Deferred Custom Action (30/10/2014)
- Use VBScript to amend the the Hosts/Services or any other text file (30/10/2014)
- Compressing Files into an External .CAB using WiMakCab.vbs (02/09/2014)
- Create a Nested Folder Structure using VBScript (12/05/2014)
- A Guide to Signing Un-signed Drivers (Part 1) (23/10/2013)
- Adding a Network Shortcut when the Network Location is Unavailable (20/09/2013)
- Remove part of an Environment variable path, but not the whole Environment variable! (12/09/2013)
- Extract an EXE from the binary table and run it from a VBScript Custom Action (01/08/2013)
- Alternatives to using WScript.Sleep in a Custom Action (18/04/2013)
- Kill One or Many Processes (18/04/2013)
- Check if a Folder is Empty (contains no files and no subfolders) (20/02/2013)
- Delete a File from multiple User Profiles (04/01/2013)
- Rename Single-file Components (04/01/2013)
- Set Arbitrary Keypaths (04/01/2013)
- Change the Class Context Case (04/01/2013)
- Change GUIDs to Upper Case (04/01/2013)
- Delete Unused Directories (04/01/2013)
- Create Short File Names (04/01/2013)
- Delete Duplicate Registry (04/01/2013)
- Delete Empty Components (04/01/2013)
- Split INI Files into Separate Components (04/01/2013)
- Split PE Files into Separate Components (04/01/2013)
- Merge Multiple Windows Installer Transforms (04/01/2013)
- Delete a Registry Key and its Subkeys (18/12/2012)
- Delete a Folder and its Subfolders (18/12/2012)
- Finding 64-bit components in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Editing MSI files in the Windows Installer cache (08/12/2012)
- Writing to the Windows Installer log file from a Custom Action (08/12/2012)
- Using SQL inside an MSI database custom action (08/12/2012)
- Generating MST transforms for an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Applying MST transforms to an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Using inner joins to read from an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Inserting a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Deleting a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a primary key in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a registry value in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Deleting a registry value from an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Inserting a registry value into an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Handling tables that don't exist in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Reading a registry value from an MSI database (03/12/2012)
- Using VBScript to manipulate a MSI files and the Golden Rules (30/11/2012)
- MSI (Windows Installer) Custom Actions
- Clean Up the Windows Start Menu (12/01/2018)
- Access a Windows Installer property in a Deferred Custom Action (30/10/2014)
- Use VBScript to amend the the Hosts/Services or any other text file (30/10/2014)
- Create a Nested Folder Structure using VBScript (12/05/2014)
- Extract an EXE from the binary table and run it from a VBScript Custom Action (01/08/2013)
- Alternatives to using WScript.Sleep in a Custom Action (18/04/2013)
- Kill One or Many Processes (18/04/2013)
- Check if a Folder is Empty (contains no files and no subfolders) (20/02/2013)
- Delete a File from multiple User Profiles (04/01/2013)
- Delete a Registry Key and its Subkeys (18/12/2012)
- Delete a Folder and its Subfolders (18/12/2012)
- MSI (Windows Installer) Scripts
- Rename Single-file Components (04/01/2013)
- Set Arbitrary Keypaths (04/01/2013)
- Change the Class Context Case (04/01/2013)
- Change GUIDs to Upper Case (04/01/2013)
- Delete Unused Directories (04/01/2013)
- Create Short File Names (04/01/2013)
- Delete Duplicate Registry (04/01/2013)
- Delete Empty Components (04/01/2013)
- Split INI Files into Separate Components (04/01/2013)
- Split PE Files into Separate Components (04/01/2013)
- Merge Multiple Windows Installer Transforms (04/01/2013)
- Tutorials: VBScript for Windows Installer
- Finding 64-bit components in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Editing MSI files in the Windows Installer cache (08/12/2012)
- Writing to the Windows Installer log file from a Custom Action (08/12/2012)
- Using SQL inside an MSI database custom action (08/12/2012)
- Generating MST transforms for an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Applying MST transforms to an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Using inner joins to read from an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Inserting a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Deleting a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a primary key in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a registry value in an MSI database (Modify method) (08/12/2012)
- Updating a registry value in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Deleting a registry value from an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Inserting a registry value into an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Handling tables that don't exist in an MSI database (08/12/2012)
- Reading a registry value from an MSI database (03/12/2012)
- Using VBScript to manipulate a MSI files and the Golden Rules (30/11/2012)
- MSIX Application Packaging
- MSIX Remote Packaging for MSIX Bulk Conversions (27/01/2025)
- Launch an MSIX Application from the Command Line (13/12/2024)
- Create an App-V Streaming Server now the App-V 5 Server Components are Deprecated (09/12/2024)
- Escaping Quotes and Backslashes in JSON (28/11/2024)
- MSIX Start Menu Shortcut Icons are Incorrect (28/11/2024)
- Free MSIX Packaging Tool for the Package Support Framework (26/03/2024)
- Installing the Package Support Framework (PSF) Using PowerShell (16/05/2023)
- MSIX Shortcut Working Directory/Start In (05/05/2023)
- MSIX Shortcut Arguments/Parameters (05/05/2023)
- A Comparison Between MSIX and App-V Application Packaging Technologies (03/05/2023)
- What is the Package Support Framework (PSF) for MSIX? (03/05/2023)
- What is an MSIX AppxManifest.xml (03/05/2023)
- What is MSIX and What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of MSIX? (03/05/2023)
- Our Services
- Application Packaging for MECM (09/01/2020)
- Configuring SCCM 2007 Reboot Countdown (14/10/2016)
- SharePoint
- Using SharePoint with SPServices (31/07/2019)
- Edit Form Templates using SharePoint Designer (31/07/2019)
- Hide the Ribbon Controls in SharePoint 2013 (25/09/2015)
- SharePoint PeopleEditor Dialog is Hidden behind the Modal dialog (25/09/2015)
- SharePoint 2013 and X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN (20/05/2015)
- Parsing a SharePoint Lookup Field using SPFieldLookupValue (05/06/2014)
- Find a Users SharePoint Group Membership (21/05/2014)
- Reading from a SharePoint List using ASP.Net (21/05/2014)
- Insert into a SharePoint List using ASP.Net (21/05/2014)
- Tools
- Impersonatr - Run App-V as a Different User (16/02/2021)
- ExeLaunchr - Launch Executables with Arguments (14/02/2021)
- Impersonatr 1.0.0 (21/11/2020)
- App-V 5 Connection Group Manager (25/11/2015)
- Virtualisr - FREE App-V 4.6, App-V 5 and App-V 5.1 Automated Sequencing (29/12/2014)
- Virtualisr - Purchase Licenses (29/12/2014)
- GUIDMakr - Generate a random GUID and copy to clipboard (29/01/2014)
- ValMakr - Command Line Windows Installer Automated Validation (05/11/2013)
- CubMakr Version 2 - Video Demonstration (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Version 2 BETA Release (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Advanced Scripting Example (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Video Demonstration (06/09/2013)
- CubMakr Detection Examples (12/02/2013)
- CubMakr - Simplified and Centralised Online Cub File Creation (07/02/2013)
- App-V 5 Connection Group Manager
- App-V 5 Connection Group Manager (25/11/2015)
- CubMakr
- CubMakr Version 2 - Video Demonstration (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Version 2 BETA Release (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Advanced Scripting Example (26/10/2013)
- CubMakr - Video Demonstration (06/09/2013)
- CubMakr Detection Examples (12/02/2013)
- CubMakr - Simplified and Centralised Online Cub File Creation (07/02/2013)
- ExeLauncher
- ExeLaunchr - Launch Executables with Arguments (14/02/2021)
- Exelaunchr
- GUIDMakr
- Impersonatr
- Impersonatr - Run App-V as a Different User (16/02/2021)
- Impersonatr 1.0.0 (21/11/2020)
- ValMakr
- Virtualisr
- Virtualisr - FREE App-V 4.6, App-V 5 and App-V 5.1 Automated Sequencing (29/12/2014)
- Virtualisr - Purchase Licenses (29/12/2014)
- Wordpress
- WordPress Images Not Displaying when Using IIS (09/12/2024)
- cURL Error 60 SSL Certificate Problem with WordPress (12/11/2023)
- URL Rewrite Rules for Wordpress and IIS (27/04/2023)
- A WordPress Code Editor with Prism Syntax Highlighting (06/07/2019)
- XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document (03/06/2019)
- Migrating a Wordpress website from Linux to Windows (20/10/2014)