Kae Travis

Find Group Policy Objects (GPO) Modified in the Last X Days

Posted on by in PowerShell

This is a simple PowerShell script that enables you to find Group Policy Objects (GPO) modified in the last X days.

Unfortunately it doesn’t tell us who modified the GPO or what specific configuration was changed, but it’s a start!

This first script will simply print out the name, modification date and description of the relevant GPOs.  Sometimes organisations use the description to make notes on changes to the GPO so it might assist your investigations:

$daysSinceModification = 1

Get-GPO -All | where-object { ([datetime]::today - ($_.ModificationTime)).Days -le $daysSinceModification } | foreach {  write-host "******************`r`nDisplay Name: " $_.DisplayName "`r`nModification Date: " $_.ModificationTime "`r`nDescription: " $_.Description "`r`n******************`r`n" }


This second script will retrieve the same GPOs but this time it will export the GPO to a html file for your perusal:

$daysSinceModification = 1
$exportPath = "C:\Path"

Get-GPO -All | where-object { ([datetime]::today - ($_.ModificationTime)).Days -le $daysSinceModification } | foreach {  Get-GPOReport -Name $_.DisplayName -ReportType HTML -Path "$exportPath\$($_.DisplayName).html" }
Find Group Policy Objects (GPO) Modified in the Last X Days
Find Group Policy Objects (GPO) Modified in the Last X Days

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