Software Services

Alkane Solutions provide the following specialist Software Services:

  • (Evergreen) Application Portfolio Management
    • The management of all applications in your estate.  We will package new requests, update existing applications (automatically done as part of our ‘Evergreen’ service) and retiring old applications.
  • Application Rationalisation
    • Poorly managed application portfolios usually end up with functional duplicates, unused applications, old/unsupported applications, incompatible applications, unlicensed applications and more.  We can rationalise your application portfolio and save your business thousands of pounds.
  • Application Discovery
    • The process of understanding how an application works, how it is installed, how it is licensed and so on.
  • Application Compatibility
    • We can ensure that your applications are compatible with your target platform/technology, and investigate remedial activities should they be required.
  • Application Packaging
    • We can package your applications in a variety of technologies, whether they be local installs, virtual installs, containerised installs or otherwise.
  • Application Remediation
    • If you have problematic applications that don’t work on a specific platform or  technology, we can assist with remedial works to make the application work as expected.
  • Application Debugging
    • Some solutions require complex debugging such as process monitoring, network monitoring, port monitoring and/or a more in-depth understanding of related technologies.  We can assist with these troublesome applications. these
  • Application Testing
    • Applications need to be tested correctly to ensure they work in accordance with business requirements.  We can manage the testing process for your applications.
  • Release Management
    • When applications are ready to be released to business users, the release process needs to be managed appropriately.  AD group memberships may need to be migrated, AD groups may need deleting, users may need to be notified, or the upgrade may need to happen at a specific time on a specific date.  We can manage the release of your applications by coordinating with your business users.