Kae Travis

Use PowerShell to Set Windows 10 Desktop Wallpaper Based On Screen Resolution

Posted on by in PowerShell

Here we provide an example of how we can use PowerShell to set Windows 10 desktop wallpaper based on screen resolution.

We essentially add supported screen resolutions and associated images to a hashtable called wallpaperImages (you need to add your own).  Then we get the current screen resolution and retrieve the associated image from the hashtable.

Finally we call some inline C# to set the desktop wallpaper using SystemParametersInfo.

$setWallpaperCodeBlock = @' 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace Win32{     
     public class Wallpaper{ 
        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] 
        static extern int SystemParametersInfo(int uAction,int uParam,string lpvParam,int fuWinIni); 
        public static void SetWallpaper(string imagePath){ 

add-type $setWallpaperCodeBlock

function Get-ScreenResolution {
    $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen
    $width = $screen.Bounds.Width
    $height = $screen.Bounds.Height
    return "$($width)x$($height)"

$wallpaperImages = @{
    "800x600" = "C:\Path\To\Image-800x600.jpg"
    "1366x768" = "C:\Path\To\Image-1366x768.jpg"
    "Default" = "C:\Path\To\Image.jpg"

#get screen resolution
$resolution = Get-ScreenResolution

if ($wallpaperImages.ContainsKey($resolution)) {
    $wallpaper = $wallpaperImages[$resolution]
    if (Test-path($wallpaper)) {
else {
    $wallpaper = $wallpaperImages["Default"]
    if (Test-path($wallpaper)) {
Use PowerShell to Set Windows 10 Desktop Wallpaper Based On Screen Resolution
Use PowerShell to Set Windows 10 Desktop Wallpaper Based On Screen Resolution

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