Passing multiple arguments to a PowerShell function can be slightly confusing, especially if coming from a VBScript background.
You see, when calling a VBScript function with multiple arguments you specify a comma in between the arguments when you call the function like so:
Function test(arg1, arg2)
wscript.echo arg1 & " and " & arg2
End Function
test "one","two"
'one and two
However, if we did the equivalent in PowerShell we would see the following:
Function test($arg1, $arg2) {
write-host "$arg1 and $arg2"
test "one","two"
#one two and
This is because what we are essentially doing here is passing one argument as $arg1 (a system.object[] array containing “one” and “two”) and $null (nothing!) for $arg2! When we use commas in PowerShell, it converts the value into a System.Object[] array.
As an example, run this:
$testvariable = "one","two"
write-host $testvariable.GetType()
The simple fix is simply to omit the comma when calling the function like so:
Function test($arg1, $arg2) {
write-host "$arg1 and $arg2"
test "one" "two"
#one and two