Kae Travis

Restore Deleted Computer Objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin

Posted on by in PowerShell

This post explains how we can use PowerShell to restore deleted computer objects from the Active Directory recycle bin.

I usually try to manipulate Active Directory using ADSI, because it doesn’t rely on the Active Directory PowerShell cmdlets.  However in this instance time wasn’t on my side, so I installed Remote Server Administration Tools by opening a PowerShell console as my administrator account and running:

Add-WindowsCapability -Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~ -Online

I then quickly wrote the following script, which takes an array of machines to restore from the Active Directory recycle bin:



foreach($computerToRestore in $computersToRestore) {
    write-host "Finding $computerToRestore"

    #find the most recent in deleted objects, hence we sort by WhenChanged descending and select the first one
    $computer = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(objectClass=Computer)(msDS-LastKnownRDN=$computerToRestore*))" -IncludeDeletedObjects -Properties *| Sort-Object -Property WhenChanged -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

    if ($computer -ne $null) {
        if ($computer.IsDeleted) {
            #if we've found the computer in the recycle bin

            write-host "Found (in recycle bin): $computerToRestore"
            write-host "When Deleted?:" $computer.WhenChanged
            write-host "Restoring: $computerToRestore"
            Restore-ADObject -Identity $computer
        } else {
            #this implies the computer has been found, but not in the recycle bin.  Hence may already have been restored or was never deleted.

            write-host "Found (NOT in recycle bin): $computerToRestore"
    } else {
        #couldn't find computer in AD or in AD recycle bin

        write-host "NOT Found $computerToRestore"
    write-host "***"

Restore Deleted Computer Objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin
Restore Deleted Computer Objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin

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