Kae Travis

Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands

The following posts contains common App-V 5 Powershell commands.  Assuming a package consisting of the following:

Package Name: AlkaneSolutions

and a connection group consisting of:

Package Name: AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup

General Commands

Import the App-V 5 module (so we can use the cmdlets below)

Import-Module AppvClient

Set execution policy to unrestricted (used during testing – should really be set by policy in a live environment)

Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

Enable Package Scripting (can also be done via policy):

Set-AppvClientConfiguration -EnablePackageScripts 1

Package Commands

Add Package

Add-AppvClientPackage "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions.appv"

Add Package with a Deployment Config

Add-AppvClientPackage "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions.appv" -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions_DeploymentConfig.xml"

Publish Package (-Global will publish globally.  Omitting this will publish to the user)

Publish-AppvClientPackage -Name "AlkaneSolutions" -Global

Mount the package at 100%

Mount-AppvClientPackage -Name "AlkaneSolutions"

Add, Publish and Mount Package on One Line

Add-AppvClientPackage "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions.appv" | Publish-AppvClientPackage -Global | Mount-AppvClientPackage

Add and publish App-V package along with a deployment xml

Add-AppvClientPackage "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions.appv" -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions_DeploymentConfig.xml" | Publish-AppvClientPackage -Global

Add and publish App-V package along with a User Config xml (note how -Global is omitted from this command)

Add-AppvClientPackage "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions.appv" | Publish-AppvClientPackage -DynamicUserConfigurationPath "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions_UserConfig.xml"

Unpublish package

Unpublish-AppvClientPackage -name "AlkaneSolutions"

Delete App-V Package from cache

Remove-AppvClientPackage -name "AlkaneSolutions"

Connection Group Commands

Add Connection Group

Add-AppvClientConnectionGroup -path "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup.xml"

Enable Connection Group (-Global will publish globally. Omitting this will publish to the user)

Enable-AppvClientConnectionGroup -name "AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup" -Global

Add and Enable a Connection Group on One Line

Add-AppvClientConnectionGroup -path "<Path to package>\AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup.xml" | Enable-AppvClientConnectionGroup -Global

Disable Connection Group

Disable-AppvClientConnectionGroup -name "AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup"

Remove Connection Group

Remove-AppvClientConnectionGroup -name "AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup"

Disable and Remove Connection Group on One Line

Disable-AppvClientConnectionGroup -name "AlkaneSolutions_ConnectionGroup" | Remove-AppvClientConnectionGroup

 Verification Commands

Get App-V Client Configuration Settings


View all added (not neccessarily published) packages (useful for retrieving names, GUIDs, publishing status etc)

Get-AppvClientPackage -all

View all added (not neccessarily published) connection groups  (useful for retrieving namesm GUIDs, publishing status etc)

Get-AppvClientConnectionGroup -all
Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands
Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands

4 thoughts on “Common App-V 5 Powershell Commands

  1. So i’m searching the net for some appv 5.0 powershell commands and im having no luck, so i change my search to app-v 5.0 client powershell commands and this is the first site, so i think yeah, i’ll give it a go.

    The commands where easy to understand, thanks to the helpful Sub-titles provided with each command, and the commands work too. I was able to publish my connection group and remove it with the command lines found on this page.

    I used the command Get-AppvClientPackage –all during my testing to to make the appv package Id and version Id’s easy to see.

    Highly recommend this site, top information. Thanks.

  2. This has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, and i was recently thrown back into working with AV5 apps and this page saved my life, not for the first time!

    I was able to import the AV Client and publish the app easier than 1..2..3.

    Keep up the great work!

    • Don’t get confused between adding and publishing. I imagine you’re looking for something like this: Get-AppvClientPackage -all | Where-Object IsPublishedToUser -eq $false

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